After presenting historical results, with net profits of 2.5 billion pesos (more than USD 630 million at the current exchange rate), Interconnection Electrica SAESP, ISA, announced that they see opportunities in the bidding for road projects of the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) .
The company acquired the first road project in Colombia in 2020, on the well-known Coastal Route (Cartagena-Barranquilla Concession). Now it has its eyes set on two 5G routes , which the Petro Government will award in 2024: El Estanquillo-Popayán and Villeta-Guaduas.
The project specifications would be opened during the first half of 2024 , so that the award is finalized before the end of the year. The operating and capital expenses of both would be 14.7 billion pesos (approximately USD 3.74 billion).
Gabriel Melguizo Posada, president (e) of ISA, said that "in Latin America we see important investment opportunities, which amount to USD 11 billion, of which 66% correspond to energy transmission and 34% to road infrastructure."
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During the fourth quarter of 2023, capital expenditures (Capex) by business were allocated to transmission (82%), roads (16%) and telco (2%).
In the same period, ISA Intervial was awarded the South Santiago Orbital Concession, in Chile, which has a Capex of USD 500 million, an extension of 25 km and an income of USD 46 million. For the company, the southern country has a broad portfolio of opportunities in the road business, with an estimated investment that amounts to USD 3.7 billion.
"We continue to expand our business with the arrival of new projects to our investment portfolio, we will explore in greater detail the growth opportunities in the region," said Melguizo.
ISA also entered the road business in Panama. "We identified opportunities in the bidding for road products, such as the rehabilitation of the Pan-American Highway West," she added.